Educators value the involvement and support of parents, guardians, families and communities in schools.

The involvement of parents, guardians, families, and communities in schools is important to the success of a school in many ways. When educators can successfully involve students’ families and or support systems in the learning, positive relationships can be formed and, at times, greater student success can be achieved. Unfortunately, due to the restrictions placed on schools due to the COVID pandemic I have found it hard to effectively connect outside communities within the classroom. However, I have found that through newsletter updates I have been able to bring parents and guardians into the learning. Recently I wrote a letter home that briefly explained the learning taking place through my Science unit on matter with students and even included a fun science experiment to try at home. Through the use of students’ agendas myself and my coaching teacher have also been able to engage in brief updates and light communication home. Although these forms of communication and involvement are not quite as in depth as I would like, I look forward to when restrictions in our schools lighten and more can be done in this regard.

Science & Matter, Learning Newsletter