I think I can speak for just about everyone when I say that the year 2020 was one that no one could have predicted. For many of us 2020 was a year filled with many challenges, and I found it to be one of the hardest years yet. However, with 2021 underway I feel myself filled with hope and optimism for the future. I mean really, is it even possible for this year to be as bad as the last!? *Knocks on wood* With the new year comes new goals and aspirations, hence this post. The #OneWord2021 challenge asks us all to reflect on 2020 as a whole and focus on what we want to achieve in 2021. Personally, my mindset is very centered around my current endeavors and journey in earning my BEd to become the educator I strive to be. It is for this reason that I have chosen my #OneWord2021 to be: Present.

This word, present, for me embodies the notion of being in the moment. In this understanding I mean to imply that I strive to be fully present in each moment and each experience I find myself in. I think having this mindset will allow me to appreciate the time I am given to grow and learn. This also reminds me of the word “mindful” which means to be aware of a present moment. The word present also holds another meaning, that I thought suitable for this year ahead, being that of a gift. Last year held hardships for everyone, but we have all been gifted with a fresh start. 2021 presents itself as a new opportunity for us all to refocus ourselves, celebrate our strengths, and continue to grow into our futures.

Focusing on my upcoming final semester and practicum my goal is to be present. I intend to be fully immersed in each learning opportunity to result in my own personal and educational growth. I think it is very important to be present in every moment as this is where new understandings are developed. I also hope to remember that each day is a gift in my learning journey whether it be a positive and enjoyable day or a day that holds many challenges. Being in a classroom and taking on the role of a teacher invites all sorts of scenarios to unfold. However, each varying circumstance provides an opportunity for growth. I think the key in every situation is to be adaptable and flexible. This was especially true in 2020! Undertaking the mindset of viewing each day as a gift allows for appreciation and optimism to become rooted in one’s perspective. I came across a quote by Thich Nhat Hanh that said, “The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.” I think this quote could be read as both giving our own selves the gift of being present as well as giving others our full present selves. My goal for 2021 is to be fully present in my professional learning and growth as an emerging educator, and to see each day of this semester as a gift and opportunity for betterment in my teaching practice.